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Photo by Alan Austin
Photo by Alan Austin
STandard deviation

Photo by Erin Baiano

Tiler Peck, photo by Erin Baiano

David Gabriel, photo by Erin Baiano

Photo by Erin Baiano
"[Pires] shows off an impressive grasp of dance architecture. "Standard Deviation" is a piece of fine craftsmanship."
- The New York Times
"A mesmerizing fusion of old and new that provoked a standing ovation from the audience...nothing short of flawless."
- Vogue
Commissioned by New York City Ballet
World Premiere: May 4, 2023
Original Score by Jack Frerer
commissioned by New York City Ballet
Costume Design by Dana Osborne
Lighting Design by Mark Stanley
Repertory Director: Glenn Keenan
Choreographic Advisor: Risa Steinberg through support from the New York Choreographic Institute
The initial development of Standard Deviation was supported by the New York Choreographic Institute, an affiliate of New York City Ballet, during its Spring 2019 Session.
New York City Ballet
May 2023 Lincoln Center, New York, NY
June 2023 Kennedy Center, Washington, DC
"Tiler Peck is luminous as she takes on Pires’ delicate, muscular style... The result is spectacular."
- Observer
"A strong debut. Pires’s tension between statistics and soulfulness was clear and persuasive"
- Fjord Review
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